Vasanth Mathivanan
2017-12-27 04:48:41 UTC

I Use HTTP_LIVE content through ATS, here lot of issue came ,,first I set the configuration in hdr_live.config given below then It will hit NONE and Sometimes DIRECT hit …..And they are suggestions for Collapsed forwarding plugin but Now same hit NONE and Sometimes same ts file ERROR_CLIENT_ABORT and Again call DIRECT,REDIRECT ….And Main thing at a times access three live in devices it will freeze 10sec sometimes 4sec sometimes paly continuously I cant understand how it works …………………………. Our HLS playlist 4sec & ts file stored in 120sec ….And live cache also Increasing like VOD server but It not delete the cache in ats simultaneously …………

My configuration hdr _live.config like
cond %{PATH} /\.m3u8/
cond %{STATUS} >199 [AND]
cond %{STATUS} <400
rm-header Pragma
rm-header Expires
set-header Cache-Control "max-age=8, public"

cond %{PATH} /\.ts/
cond %{STATUS} >199 [AND]
cond %{STATUS} <400
rm-header Pragma
rm-header Expires
set-header Cache-Control "max-age=132, public

then Collapsed Forwarding Plugin config and overall remap.config like

map http://xyz.com http://zyx.com @plugin=header_rewrite.so @pparam=dscp/set_dscp_32.config @plugin=header_rewrite.so @pparam=hdr_rw_live.config @plugin=cache_range_requests.so @plugin=collapsed_forwarding.so @pparam=--delay=10 @pparam=--retries=4

Can you suggest what I do ? How can I load cache with Multiple edges ?

Thanks & Regards

Vasanth M

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