[ANNOUNCE] Apache Traffic Server Summit Fall 2017
Bryan Call
2017-08-01 21:25:59 UTC
Mark the calendar! We’re having our next ATS Summit in the Silicon Valley (Cupertino or Sunnyvale). We are working on the details for what company will be hosting the summit.

The dates are as follow:

Tuesday 10/24 - Wednesday 10/25 2017 - Traffic Server Summit

and our Summit page is available at

https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TS/Fall+2017+Summit <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TS/Fall+2017+Summit>

This also opens up the CFP for our Summit! Please submit your talk and discussion proposals to the normal mailing list address. Submissions should be a couple sentences on what the talk will be about.

***@trafficserver.apache.org <mailto:***@trafficserver.apache.org>

The CFP is open until September 11th, but don’t delay, and remember this is a DevOps event!

Hope to see you there,

Bryan Call
2017-09-26 20:47:10 UTC
Reminder that the ATS Fall Summit is a month away! Please sign up for the summit on the summit page:


We are extending the CPF until the 10/1 would like to get more interesting talks about how people are using ATS. Submissions only need to be a couple sentences and should be sent to:


The location of the summit will be at the Yahoo Campus in Sunnyvale and lunches will be provided. More details can be found on the summit page:


Post by Bryan Call
Mark the calendar! We’re having our next ATS Summit in the Silicon Valley (Cupertino or Sunnyvale). We are working on the details for what company will be hosting the summit.
Tuesday 10/24 - Wednesday 10/25 2017 - Traffic Server Summit
and our Summit page is available at
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TS/Fall+2017+Summit <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TS/Fall+2017+Summit>
This also opens up the CFP for our Summit! Please submit your talk and discussion proposals to the normal mailing list address. Submissions should be a couple sentences on what the talk will be about.
The CFP is open until September 11th, but don’t delay, and remember this is a DevOps event!
Hope to see you there,
Bryan Call
2017-10-10 22:58:21 UTC
Another reminder that the ATS Fall Summit is 2 weeks away! Please sign up for the summit on the summit page:


We are working on the schedule and will have it finalized this week. The location of the summit will be at the Yahoo Campus in Sunnyvale and lunches will be provided. More details can be found on the summit page above.

Post by Bryan Call
Mark the calendar! We’re having our next ATS Summit in the Silicon Valley (Cupertino or Sunnyvale). We are working on the details for what company will be hosting the summit.
Tuesday 10/24 - Wednesday 10/25 2017 - Traffic Server Summit
and our Summit page is available at
This also opens up the CFP for our Summit! Please submit your talk and discussion proposals to the normal mailing list address. Submissions should be a couple sentences on what the talk will be about.
The CFP is open until September 11th, but don’t delay, and remember this is a DevOps event!
Hope to see you there,
Bryan Call
2017-10-12 22:27:53 UTC
The schedule for the summit has been created and is on the summit page:


We are going to have briefing/lighting talks on Wednesday. This is a great opportunity to talk for 10 minutes or less on something you would like to improve in ATS, what you have done in ATS, etc.

Look forward to seeing everyone in Sunnyvale on 10/24!

Post by Bryan Call
We are working on the schedule and will have it finalized this week. The location of the summit will be at the Yahoo Campus in Sunnyvale and lunches will be provided. More details can be found on the summit page above.
Post by Bryan Call
Mark the calendar! We’re having our next ATS Summit in the Silicon Valley (Cupertino or Sunnyvale). We are working on the details for what company will be hosting the summit.
Tuesday 10/24 - Wednesday 10/25 2017 - Traffic Server Summit
and our Summit page is available at
This also opens up the CFP for our Summit! Please submit your talk and discussion proposals to the normal mailing list address. Submissions should be a couple sentences on what the talk will be about.
The CFP is open until September 11th, but don’t delay, and remember this is a DevOps event!
Hope to see you there,
Bryan Call
2017-10-23 17:44:42 UTC
The building changed on the Summit Page to building G. If you need to get access to the building please call 408-460-4647. Someone will be in the lobby to greet visitors at 8:30am.


Thank you,

Post by Bryan Call
We are going to have briefing/lighting talks on Wednesday. This is a great opportunity to talk for 10 minutes or less on something you would like to improve in ATS, what you have done in ATS, etc.
Look forward to seeing everyone in Sunnyvale on 10/24!
Post by Bryan Call
We are working on the schedule and will have it finalized this week. The location of the summit will be at the Yahoo Campus in Sunnyvale and lunches will be provided. More details can be found on the summit page above.
Post by Bryan Call
Mark the calendar! We’re having our next ATS Summit in the Silicon Valley (Cupertino or Sunnyvale). We are working on the details for what company will be hosting the summit.
Tuesday 10/24 - Wednesday 10/25 2017 - Traffic Server Summit
and our Summit page is available at
This also opens up the CFP for our Summit! Please submit your talk and discussion proposals to the normal mailing list address. Submissions should be a couple sentences on what the talk will be about.
The CFP is open until September 11th, but don’t delay, and remember this is a DevOps event!
Hope to see you there,
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