Live linear issue
Vasanth Mathivanan
2017-12-23 07:36:58 UTC
In live linear i had 12 segments. Each segments intervel is 10s. i store 1.ts to 12.ts in .m3u8 when 13.ts comes, 1.ts will delete. but .m3u8 update Each 10s.

thats why i set .m3u8 max age 10s and i kept 12 ts files in .m3u8 file so .ts file max age 120 s.

any one explain live linear setup?

i need to control origin server hit.

.m3u8 file only call from cache. but ts will go for origin. it cant load from cache. but some time it will load cache, if time delay between two client rarely..

i had a trouble to control this

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Shu Kit Chan
2017-12-25 18:37:32 UTC
Hard to tell what's going on. But you can turn on debug and see why
the segments sometimes not loading from cache.

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 11:36 PM, Vasanth Mathivanan
Post by Vasanth Mathivanan
In live linear i had 12 segments. Each segments intervel is 10s. i store 1.ts to 12.ts in .m3u8 when 13.ts comes, 1.ts will delete. but .m3u8 update Each 10s.
thats why i set .m3u8 max age 10s and i kept 12 ts files in .m3u8 file so .ts file max age 120 s.
any one explain live linear setup?
i need to control origin server hit.
.m3u8 file only call from cache. but ts will go for origin. it cant load from cache. but some time it will load cache, if time delay between two client rarely..
i had a trouble to control this
Sent from my iPhone
Sudheer Vinukonda
2017-12-25 19:01:43 UTC
I’m almost certain it’s due to ATS cache’s limitation in handling concurrent requests for the missing segment in cache. You may want to check out and enable collapsed forwarding plugin (see below).

Post by Shu Kit Chan
Hard to tell what's going on. But you can turn on debug and see why
the segments sometimes not loading from cache.
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 11:36 PM, Vasanth Mathivanan
Post by Vasanth Mathivanan
In live linear i had 12 segments. Each segments intervel is 10s. i store 1.ts to 12.ts in .m3u8 when 13.ts comes, 1.ts will delete. but .m3u8 update Each 10s.
thats why i set .m3u8 max age 10s and i kept 12 ts files in .m3u8 file so .ts file max age 120 s.
any one explain live linear setup?
i need to control origin server hit.
.m3u8 file only call from cache. but ts will go for origin. it cant load from cache. but some time it will load cache, if time delay between two client rarely..
i had a trouble to control this
Sent from my iPhone
Vasanth Mathivanan
2017-12-26 04:59:33 UTC
Hi All,

How can I check debug in ATS @shu kit chan

Then How can I verify that collapsed plugin is working or not ? I enabled that already on remap. config ...same error getting & cache also stored in ***@sudheer

Sent from my iPhone
Sudheer Vinukonda
2017-12-26 05:14:21 UTC
Did you also enable all the relevant records.config settings along with collapsed forwarding plugin (described in the docs page linked in my last email )?
Post by Vasanth Mathivanan
Hi All,
Sent from my iPhone
Vasanth Mathivanan
2017-12-26 05:16:46 UTC
Yes , I enabled that ………But same issue came

Thanks & Regards


Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Sudheer Vinukonda <***@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 10:44:21 AM
To: ***@trafficserver.apache.org
Subject: Re: Live linear issue

Did you also enable all the relevant records.config settings along with collapsed forwarding plugin (described in the docs page linked in my last email )?
Post by Vasanth Mathivanan
Hi All,
Sent from my iPhone
Shu Kit Chan
2017-12-26 08:45:24 UTC
To turn on debug -

set proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled to 1
set proxy.config.diags.debug.tags to .*http.*

restart ats and the debug message will show up in traffic.out
You can experiment with different tags to narrow it to those subsystem
that's relevant to you.



On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Vasanth Mathivanan
Yes , I enabled that ………But same issue came
Thanks & Regards
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 10:44:21 AM
Subject: Re: Live linear issue
Did you also enable all the relevant records.config settings along with
collapsed forwarding plugin (described in the docs page linked in my last
email )?
On Dec 25, 2017, at 8:59 PM, Vasanth Mathivanan
Hi All,
Then How can I verify that collapsed plugin is working or not ? I enabled
that already on remap. config ...same error getting & cache also stored in
Sent from my iPhone