2017-03-09 09:15:49 UTC
I would like to like rewrite host header with regex:
some.domain.abc.com -> some.domain
here is regex:
/(.*)\.abc\.com$/ -> $1
i dig into header_rewrite doc and code, but i don't know how to write
the rewrite rule with regex:
cond %{HEADER:HOST} /(.*)\.abc\.com$/
set-header host how_to_write_some_regex_value
here is some hint in document:
Setting a header with a value can take the following formats:
Any condition which extracts a value from the request.
$N, where 0 <= N <= 9, from matching groups in a regular expression.
some.domain.abc.com -> some.domain
here is regex:
/(.*)\.abc\.com$/ -> $1
i dig into header_rewrite doc and code, but i don't know how to write
the rewrite rule with regex:
cond %{HEADER:HOST} /(.*)\.abc\.com$/
set-header host how_to_write_some_regex_value
here is some hint in document:
Setting a header with a value can take the following formats:
Any condition which extracts a value from the request.
$N, where 0 <= N <= 9, from matching groups in a regular expression.
Peng Yong
Peng Yong